Classes begin in

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Notice of Non-Discrimination                                                                                                              Carl Albert State College, in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other Federal Laws and Regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admission, employment, financial aid, and educational services.

Both Title IX and CASC Policy prohibit discrimination in services or benefits offered by the College based upon gender.

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination and therefore prohibited under Title IX.  Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

The following are examples of types of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment:

  • Inappropriate touching, patting, or pinching
  • Physical assault or coerced sexual activity
  • Demands or subtle pressure for sexual favors
  • Obscene phone calls, texts, email, or gestures

Any person (student, faculty, staff, or guest) who believes that discriminatory practices have been engaged in based upon gender may discuss these concerns and file informal or formal complaints of possible violations of Title IX with the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator.

It is the policy of this college to provide equal employment and educational opportunity on the basis of merit without discrimination because of age, race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion, national origin, veterans’ status, or disability.


CASC Title IX Team:

Title XI Coordinator:

Holly Bormann | 918-647-1474

BC864 (Poteau) | Mayo Center (Sallisaw)

Deputy Title IX Coordinator:

Kelly Vongnarah | 918-647-1370

Hemphill Hall, Student Affairs (Poteau)

CASC Investigators – Chad Brown / Kendal Repass / Jake Lords / Susan Hill / Micky Solomon / Jeremy Minor / Brook  Wiersig  / Darrin Clark

CASC Advisors – Jaime Henson / Kim Hughes / Jake Lords / Susan Hill / Micky Solomon / Allen Scroggins / Michelle White  / Darrin Clark / Marc Willis.

Title IX Participant Training
Prior to FY21 & FY21 and Forward

Title IX Coordinator – Coordinator training history & material
Title IX Deputy Coordinator – training history
Investigator/Campus Police Director – Sexual Assualt Clery trainings list
Hearing Panel Members:
Hearing Panel training 2019
CASC Guide-for-Discipline-Panels-on-Sexual-Violence 2019
Note: As of August 14, 2020 Hearing Panel will be replaced with a single Decision Maker (outsourced)

Title IX Coordinators

May 20, 2020 What you need to know now webinar

 Jun 11, 2020  Title IX New Regulations, by COSA/OSRHE: Powerpoint – Title IX New Regulations PPT COSA

Transcript – Transcript Title IX New Regulations COSA 
July 2020 Title IX Regulations Conference, by TCC & OSU: Webinar 1 PPWebinar 2 PPWebinar 3 PP, Webinar 4 P
Aug 2020 Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment, by OCR, viewed at:                           v=XzSJ4uNspq8
Aug 19, 2020 OCR webinar – Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings, viewed at:,
Aug 19, 2020 The First Amendment & Title IX by OCR webinar,

January 2021: OACC Conference Title IX Trainings, Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator- Webinar 1, Webinar 2, Webinar 3,

September 2021- Student Campus-wide training through TjohnE

Nov. 9, 2021- Title IX and Clery Training as part of the virtual Campus Safety and Security Summit, facilitated by Brandee Hancock

Investigator: Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, and Campus Police Director are designated as investigators. Additional training can be viewed here

Title IX Coordinator Policy Training- February 2022

May 11, 2022 (DUE): Title IX Sexual Harassment Training and Prevention for employees (Vector Solutions)

May 18, 2022: Investigator and Advisor Training with Equity Consulting, LLC / Advisor Training Materials / Investigator Training Materials

June 6-7, 2022: Title IX Coordinator One: Foundations, through Atixa, Deputy Title IX Coordinator Training, Completed

OCR webinar -Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings, Click Here

November 29-30, 2022: Title IX Coordinator Two: Additional Topics for New and Experienced Coordinators

May, 3rd, 2023, Trainings: Investigator | Advisor

June 8, 2023: Title IX and Housing/Athletics

October 2023: Student Training with TJohnE, “Title IX Game Show” | Hamilton Auditorium

November  7, 2023: Title IX Then and Now

April 24, 2024: Investigator and Advisor Training with Equity Consulting, LLC | Training Materials

July 18, 2024:  Athletics and Housing Training with Equity Consulting, LLC | Training Materials

Sept. 19, 2024: Student Training with TJohnE, “Title IX Game Show” | Hamilton Auditorium, 6 pm

Supplemental Course Training Material:
ASCA Student Conduct Admin & Title IX practices
Dept of Ed OCR Sex harassment Guidance Manual
NACUA Due Process questions_review
DOE OCR Title IX Resource Guide
OCR 4-24-15 Dear Colleague Letter
OCR QA_on_Campus_Sexual_Misconduct-Trump Admin
OCR Questions & Answers on Title IX & Sexual Violence
Everfi Faculty & Staff Resources for Sexual Assault Prevention & Response
Original OCR Presentation from NWATIXA in April 2016 Investigator Training


Where to get help in the community (off-campus) for domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking victims on college campuses in Southern Oklahoma 

  • Oklahoma Safeline, 1-800-522-7233 (SAFE)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
  • National Dating Abuse Hotline, 1-266-331-9474,
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline, 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)
  • Women’s Crisis Center of LeFlore County Hotline, 1-800-230-9799
  • Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Project SAFE, 1-800-522-6170
  • CASC students can get a referral from the Student Affairs office for counseling through Stigler Health & Wellness Centers in Poteau and Sallisaw.

Survivor/ Recovery Story

Reporting Procedures

Anyone can report an alleged sexual harassment incident to an administrator who has the authority to institute corrective measures:

  1. Vice President for Student Affairs/Deputy Title Coordinator: (918)-647-1370. HH140
  2. Vice President of Academic Affairs: (918)-647-1464, JH201
  3. Vice President for Enrollment Management: (918)-647-1270. HH161
  4. Residential Housing Coordinator: (918)-647-1374. HH140 (for students)
  5. Director of Sallisaw Campus: (918)-647-1375. JH202E
  6. Title IX Coordinator: (918)-647-1474. BC866F

 The Report can be oral ,written, an observation, newspaper article, social media posting or any other various means =. All reports will be passed on to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator and/or Title IX Coordinator 

Please note: 


Click below to access the Interim Title IX Policy to reflect the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights 2020 updates and revisions.

Please note this policy will not be finalized until the CASC Board of Regents formally approve revisions at their next regularly scheduled meeting. However, this policy and procedures supersede any previous policy/ies/ addressing sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and/or retaliation under Title IX.

Effective date of this interim policy: 8-14-2020

                                                                                                                               View Title IX Policy 

Employee and Student Training

Carl Albert State College contracts with SafeColleges for employee and student online training that includes training that covers the requirements of Title IX, VAWA, and Campus SAvE Act

Student Training –, Use the same username you use to access the MyCarlAlbert portal.

Employee Training –, Use the same username you use to access the MyCarlAlbert portal