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Residential Life

On Campus Housing Options
Poteau Campus

Student Resources

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Student Resources.

Campus Maps

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Stivers Center

The Stivers Center features: a student lounge area, indoor and outdoor basketball courts, a pickleball court, a racketball court, ping pong tables, cardio and weight rooms, a wallyball court, a dance studio, a hammock park, a sand volleyball court, an outdoor picnic area, locker rooms for both men and women with Shower facilities.

Hours of Operation
Sunday: 6pm – 11pm
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 11:00pm
Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday: Closed

Student Handbooks

Clubs & Organizations

Student ID Cards & Parking Permits

Students can obtain a “Viking Card” student ID from the Student Affairs office.

Students have the option of using their Viking ID card as a bankcard through Herring Bank, or using their card as just an ID Card.

Students who choose to use their ID Card as a bank card will create a secure bank account through Herring Bank, a partner of CASC.

Students who do use Herring Bank will receive disbursements, and refunds directly to their Herring Bank Account, and can use their Viking ID card as a Debit card.

Students who do not use a Herring Bank Account, will establish a direct deposit to their own personal bank account.

Students can also use their Viking ID cards at local businesses who have partnered with CASC to offer Student discounts and promotions.

To obtain a Student ID Card students must visit the office of student affairs, and request a Viking ID Card. Students first Viking ID cards are free, however a replacement card will cost $4. Students who will not use a herring bank account will need to bring their own bank account information to create a direct deposit setup.

Types of Parking Permits

Residential Parking:
Residential housing students must obtain a residential parking permit will allow residential housing students to park in the dorm parking lots.

Students who obtain a residential housing sticker must park only in residential parking lots.

Commuter Parking:
Commuter students must obtain a commuter parking permit, this permit will allow students to park in any on campus parking during normal operating hours.

Commuter students may park in residential parking during visiting hours only.

To obtain a parking permit students must visit the office of student affairs, and fill out a parking permit form.

Students will need their drivers license, vehicle description, and vehicle tag information.

Sexual Violence Resources

These are the facts: 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are raped on college campuses and it’s our responsibility to create an environment where everyone feels, and actually is, safe — and to take that responsibility seriously. It starts with calling out our friends and holding them accountable for using harmful language and making sure we don’t look the other way when we see something that seems wrong. Big or small, these efforts matter, and go a long way toward enacting the change we all want to see.

Carl Albert State College takes acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment seriously. In an effort to comply with the Violence Against Women Act and the Office for Civil Rights federal guidelines, all students and employees are required to complete online training on sexual violence prevention. Final grades may be withheld until the training has been completed. Training should take around 40 minutes.

For student training:

Log-in to the CASC portal with your MyCarlAlbert username and password, Click the SafeColleges link and begin. Join CASC in its stance that 1 is 2 many and its effort to maintain a safe environment where all members of the campus community can live, learn and be successful.