Classes Begin Wednesday, January 15, 2025.

Deadline to Add Classes:

Graduation & Commencement


For questions on degree conferrals or diploma contact Dee Ann Dickerson  at or 918-647-1307 or Noah Martin at or 918-647-1302.


Degrees will be conferred and posted to the graduate’s official transcript by Wednesday the week after semester classes end.  Student may order a transcript and choose to have an official transcript sent after grades and degrees are posted.


Diplomas are professionally printed for the graduate and will be available for personal pick up or mailing (typically 4-6 weeks after end of semester).


Students approved for a Fall 2024, Spring 2025, or Summer 2025 graduation may participate in May 10, 2025 Commencement. An approved application for graduation must be on record.

Apply for Graduation

Student may apply for graduation in one of two ways: 1) by active Graduation Application link found in their myCarlAlbert portal account or 2) by paper Graduation Application form (download a copy below).

Online Application:  Students may apply for graduation using the Graduation Application link found in their myCarlAlbert portal account. If this link is active, then the system’s degree audit has determined the student will meet requirements for graduation with their current course schedule.

Paper Application: If the online Graduation Application link is not active to a student who is eligible to graduate, then that student should complete a paper Application for Graduation and submit it to or Office of Admissions. For these students, the Registrar will typically adjust their degree audit for advanced standing coursework, course substitutions, elective credit recognitions, transfer coursework, or other exceptions not recognized by the system’s degree audit.

Once approved, the student should review the Graduation Application portal information and confirm the spelling of their name and address for diploma printing and mailing, and monitor their email for any updates. Registrar will notify student by CASC email concerning graduation/degree pre-approvals and conferral, Commencement, diploma, and any updates.

Graduation Checklist

Graduation Resources


Commencement is schedule for Saturday May 10, 2025 (times to be announced).  The ceremonies will be held in the Hamilton Auditorium. Students who are eligible to participate in the Commencement (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025)  will be emailed (before late March) with instructions on how to sign up for Commencement and ceremony times available. Students may purchase cap, gown, honor cords, and other graduation supplies from the Bookstore on the Poteau or Sallisaw campuses. [Poteau Bookstore 918-647-1390, Sallisaw Bookstore 918-775-6977 ext 2212]

Students should monitor their CASC email and personal email for notices concerning graduation updates and award, when to pick-up/mail diplomas, details on Commencement, etc. So, check your email!

Carl Albert Commencement Dress & Conduct Guideline

Carl Albert State College holds their graduates in high esteem, and the commencement ceremony publicly recognizes their achievements and induction into the alumni network. The ceremony reflects a long history of academic customs and traditions. In respect for those traditions and in accordance with the Academic Costume Code of the American Council on Education, commencement participants are directed to follow the set dress and conduct guidelines.

Graduation & Commencement FAQs

Graduation is defined as the receiving or conferring of an academic degree or diploma. The admissions office must run a degree check via the graduation application to check and confirm eligibility.

Students may apply for graduation by completing the Application for Graduation and submitting it by attachment to , in-person to the Office of Admissions at the Poteau Campus or Front Office at the Sallisaw Campus, or using the on-line “Graduation Application” tool found in their myCarlAlbert.

Applications for Graduation will be accepted for a short time after a semester ends. So, students should apply as soon as possible once it is recognized the published deadline has passed. Once the reporting deadline has passed, a degree will be awarded but with graduates in the next semester.


Dee Ann Dickerson


Office Phone: (918) 647-1300


Noah Martin


Office Phone: (918) 647-1302

Diplomas are professionally printed off-campus and typically arrive in the Office of Admissions 4-6 weeks after the end of the term. Students will be notified by email when the diplomas are available for pick-up or mailing, and if they would prefer to pick-up their diploma at the Sallisaw Campus.

Yes, but the graduate should reply to their email notification about diploma pick-up and identify the full name of the person picking up the diploma.

Commencement is defined as the ceremonies at which degrees or diplomas are conferred at a school.


Apply for Commencement

Saturday, May 10, 2025. (Times to be announced).

1507 S McKenna

St, Poteau, OK 74953

Hamilton Auditorium

Friday, May 9th 2025


Michaela Thompson


Office Phone- (918) -647-1431

April 25, 2025 is the last day to submit an Application for Graduation and have your name printed in the Commencement program. However, late applicants must be approved for graduation and have until May 8th to sign-up for Commencement. Late applicants will not have their name appear in the Commencement program.

Late applicants (after April 25, 2025) will not have their name appear in the Commencement program. Any student with a “privacy hold” on their records will not have their name appear in the Commencement program.

Summer 2025 graduation candidates may participate in the May 10, 2025 Commencement ceremony. Summer graduates wishing to participate in Commencement and have their name in the Commencement program must make application no later than April 25.

Students may purchase cap, gown, honor cords, organization cords, and other graduation supplies from the Bookstore on the Poteau or Sallisaw campuses. [Poteau Bookstore 918-647-1390, Sallisaw Bookstore 918-775-6977 ext 2212]