About CASC

Revitalizing Education in Southeastern Oklahoma is a Welcomed Challenge to CASC

Here, we offer students a world-class education at an affordable price. CASC has been voted the Best Community College in Oklahoma; currently stands as No. 11 in the Nation for graduation rates among community colleges; and we offer the most affordable tuition and fees in the region. Our main campus is in Poteau, with a branch campus in Sallisaw, and we offer 8 degrees and 3 certificate programs completely online.

At CASC, our instructors know you by your name – not ‘you in the back.’

The Poteau campus offers residential living opportunities for students who wish to have the full college experience, and participate in many campus clubs, activities, and a variety of intramural games. If you’re not participating in an afternoon club meeting, playing volleyball on the recreation course, or getting in a few extra studying hours in at the Learning Resource Center — chances are you can catch an afternoon Viking game in the sports complex. Viking athletics include baseball, softball, men’s and women’s cross country, and E-Sports teams. CASC is home to individuals from all walks of life. For every CASC student, including the working adult with other commitments — we offer day, evening, and online courses to fit your busy schedule. Whether you’re planning to live on campus, commute, or earn your degree online – CASC meets students’ needs in an efficient, effective, and economical manner. We provide excellent educational opportunities for students whether they desire to go straight to work following graduation, or plan to transfer to further their educational career.

Carl Albert State College is proud to carry out our mission to provide affordable, accessible and exceptional education that fosters student success. We welcome you to join our Viking family and explore what opportunities are in store for you at CASC!

Dr. Jay Falkner

CASC President

Our History

Carl Albert State College (CASC) has a rich tradition of serving eastern Oklahoma with educational opportunities, beginning in 1933 when it first opened its doors in the old Poteau High School building during the Great Depression. The College was established to offer opportunities to students who could not afford the cost of leaving home to obtain a higher education. The College closed during World War II, but reopened immediately after the war to provide educational services for returning veterans and their families.

CASC has been in business ever since, growing from serving approximately 300 students in one classroom building in 1968 at its present location in Poteau, to now having campuses in Poteau and Sallisaw serving thousands of students throughout the region.

Originally named Poteau Junior College, it was changed in the 1950’s to Poteau Community College, and in 1971 to Carl Albert Junior College in honor of the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives who represented the congressional district in which the school is located. On October 25, 1973, the college became a part of the state system of higher education as a state-owned and state-operated institution. In May 1990, the Oklahoma Legislature approved a bill which changed the school’s name to Carl Albert State College.

Residential housing for over 300 students along with campus dining at Café 1507 are available at the CASC Poteau campus. With college athletics, campus clubs and a variety of organizations, CASC provides a full collegiate experience for its residential students as well as those commuting. The CASC Development Foundation’s focus on scholarships and campus housing continues to support the efforts of the College to make student success a priority. Carl Albert State College’s Scholars Program draws top students from across the region to live on campus while earning their degrees. The Scholars Program is an integral piece of what makes Carl Albert State College unique.

The College offers a wide variety of degrees and certificates, with health science programs being some of the most sought after degrees. The CASC Nursing program continues to expand and provide the region with well-trained health care professionals. Physical Therapist Assistant is an additional health related program available at Carl Albert.

CASC has offered courses in Sallisaw since 1979 starting out using public school facilities. In 1992, CASC Sallisaw began operating in its current location in the Sallisaw Industrial Park. Today, CASC’s Sequoyah County campus consists of two buildings housing state-of-the-art technology, computer labs, science labs, a library, and a large multi-purpose area.

Jay Falkner is the seventh full-time President of Carl Albert State College, and has served in that capacity since July, 2016. Carl Albert State College offers courses at Poteau, Sallisaw and online through the CASC Virtual Campus in its mission to provide affordable, accessible and exceptional education that fosters student success.

Development Foundation

The Carl Albert State College Development Foundation, established in 1979 as a 501(c)3 corporation, solicits cash contributions, deferred gifts and grants from the private sector to fund extraordinary projects to benefit CASC students and programs.  Guided by a board of dedicated community leaders who not only share their time and vision, but also make significant financial investments, the Foundation fulfills its mission daily.  With ongoing support from Trustees, Regents, community members and CASC faculty/staff, the Foundation continues to strive to make higher education attainable for all.

The Mission of the Development Foundation

is to build an endowment fund for scholarships, a program for academic enrichment and a residential campus, that benefits the students and programs of Carl Albert State College.

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Carl Albert, served as Honorary Chairman of the CASC Development Foundation Board of Trustees until his passing on February 4, 2000.

How to Contribute:
Through generous donations the CASC Foundation helps students realize the dream of attending college.  You can be part of that dream by donating today.  The Foundation offers several different ways to contribute to CASC through Annual Gifts, Scholars Program, Endowments, Memorial Gifts, Bequests, Trusts and Planned Gifts. Contributions should be made payable to:

CASC Development Foundation
1507 South McKenna
Poteau, OK  74953

Foundation History
Formed in December 1979 to achieve extraordinary projects, the CASC Development Foundation benefits students and programs of Carl Albert State College. The CASC Development Foundation seeks private sector gifts and grants which allow the College’s vision to become reality.Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Carl Albert, served as Honorary Chairman of the CASC Development Foundation Board of Trustees until his death.  The Board of Trustees meets semi-annually, in addition to committee meetings conducted throughout the year. The many worthwhile projects of the CASC Development Foundation such as Residential Housing, Scholars Program, Scholarship programs, and the Endowed Professorship program have a dramatic impact on the life and the future of the College, as well as the entire population it serves.

Campus Safety

Ladder Safety

All CASC Faculty (Full-Time and Adjunct), Staff (Full-Time and Part-Time), and Student Employees are required to complete safety training each fiscal year, per regulations of Oklahoma Department of Labor (ODOL) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  You have the option of completing this required safety training online or attend an instructor-led session.

Asbestos O & M

Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan is designed to manage asbestos in place to safeguard the health of building occupants.  The primary objective of this plan is to protect building occupants and workers by minimizing the potential for exposure to asbestos fibers.

Bloodborne Pathogens

The Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan serves as the standard for all employees who may come into contact with blood and other potentially infectious material while performing their duties.  The plan complies with the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030

Initial and annual Bloodborne Pathogen training is offered online and is included in annual safety training.

Bloodborne Pathogens CASC

Heat Stress

Workers who are exposed to extreme heat or work in hot environments may be at risk of heat stress. Exposure to extreme heat can result in occupational illnesses and injuries. Heat stress can result in heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat rashes. Heat can also increase the risk of injuries in workers as it may result in sweaty palms, fogged-up safety glasses, and dizziness.


Fire Prevention
  • In 2011-2015, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated annual average of 4,100 structure fires in dormitories and fraternity or sorority houses (Greek housing.) These fires caused annual averages of 35 civilian injuries and $14 million in direct property damage.
  • Cooking equipment was involved in nearly nine out of ten reported fires in dormitory- type properties (87%).
  • September and October were the peak months for fires in dormitory properties, and they are more common during the evening hours between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., and on the weekends.
  • From January 2000 to May 2015 smoke alarms were either missing, disconnected or without batteries in 58 percent of fatal campus fires.


Fire Prevention PPTCASC



The goal of ergonomics is to reduce stress and eliminate injuries and disorders associated with the overuse of muscles, bad posture, and repeated tasks.  This program promotes computer-workstation and job-specific ergonomics.  EHS provides on-site ergonomic evaluations to identify opportunities for improvement, and assists with the selection of ergonomic devices and tools.

Hand & Portable Power Tools

Ensure all hand and portable power tools are used properly, safely, and in accordance with all manufacturer’s guidelines.

The safe use of hand tools guidelines applies to all UCO employees who may use hand (i.e., screwdrivers, chisels, pliers, etc.) and power tools (i.e., rotating, reciprocating, pneumatic, etc.) and equipment during the course of their work.

Hazard Communication

The Hazard Communication Standard is designed to ensure chemical safety in the workplace.  This program establishes procedures and training information to ensure that the hazards associated with chemical substances used in University operations are communicated to all employees.


Hearing Conservation

Exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent hearing loss.  EHS can help identify high risk job/areas, provide sound/noise monitoring, and provide hearing conservation training/program management.


Indoor Air Quality

EHS recognizes the impact that indoor air quality has in the workplace.  In an effort to provide the University Community with the optimum level of indoor air quality, EHS has developed a standard procedure for responding to indoor air quality concerns.

For more information about indoor air quality:
Visit Environmental Protection Agency website.

Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a procedure that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. It is a documentation of every task within each job to identify health and safety hazards and the steps to control each task.

Lab Safety

Lab Safety Goals:

  • Maintain compliance with the multitude of safety and health regulations pertaining to laboratories on the UCO campus
  • Ensure that all laboratory staff understand and apply safe work practices
  • Provide training to lab staff for safe use of equipment and hazardous materials in the lab environment

Biosafety training is required for anyone conducting research with agents that fall into one of four Biosafety Levels.  The four levels of biosafety are: BSL-1, BSL-2, BSL-3, BSL-4.

Complete 5th Edition of BMBL (All Sections)

Chemical Spill

Call EHS at 974-2216 for clean-up assistance.  If the emergency occurs outside of normal work hours, contact Police Services at 974-2345.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required when hazards cannot be eliminated through engineering or administrative controls. Personal Protective Equipment is required if performing job duties exposes you to physical and/or health hazards. The proper selection, care, and use of PPE is vital to reducing hazards in the workplace.

Safety Training

All CASC Faculty (Full-Time and Adjunct), Staff (Full-Time and Part-Time), and Student Employees are required to complete safety training each fiscal year, per regulations of Oklahoma Department of Labor (ODOL) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  You have the option of completing this required safety training online or attend an instructor-led session.